Category: Feminism/Gender

  • Cis and Trans

    Trans is a pretty inclusive term; it doesn’t just apply to the giant male-to-female or female-to-male cases. It can (but doesn’t necessarily) also apply to people who are non-binary, intersex, gender fluid, etc. Here’s a decent explanation of what “Cis” (vs “Trans”) means, and since that definition does not apply to me (surgery was performed…

  • False Binary: Real Harm

    [The following essay was published in the Fall 2013 issue of Cultural Encounters. I’ve reverted many of the editor’s changes which were made because the original phrasing was “too heterodox” for publication (for example, restoring the original title and thesis statement), made a few other light edits for accuracy and clarity (like updating the link…

  • About Me

    My name is Wink Chin. I’m a disabled, Chinese-American, gender non-conforming male. I was born in 1974, married C in 1997, and we are adoptive parents to two kids: P (born in 2003), and F (born in 2005). I have three main topics I plan on blogging about: my health/disability, my former faith, and feminism/gender…